Accessories for Directional speakers

Directional audio amplifiers

Triggers and media players for directional sound

Delivering sound for directional speakers means knowing when to play the sound and how to play the sound. A variety of triggers allow the listener to initiate the sound field, and the media players will hold the sound and deliver it to the loud speaker.

Our range of Accessories

Media Players

We have a range of media players for all types of installations. Most allow a variety of different trigger inputs, and remote management.

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How do they work?

Triggers and Media players

Triggers come in a variety of types. The most simple is a button, or selection of buttons, to initiate the sound output. Infra red triggers use an IR sensor to detect the presence of a listener and send a message tot he media player to start playing. Pressure mats on the floor can detect the weight of a listener and close the contact, hence initiating the sound file.

Media players contain the sound files, either on flash memory, or SD cards and react to triggers as needed. Some media players can be networked and allow the changing of the sound file remotely – very useful in permanent installations.

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  • Experts in our field
  • Widest range of directional sound systems in Europe
  • Options for purchase or hire