Directional Bar Speakers

Directional Bar Speakers

Great sounding directional speakers perfect for noisier environments

Directional bar speakers can throw the sound in a controlled manner from a range of 1m to 10m and keep the sound where you need it.

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Sound Beam SB-24 directional speaker

How do they work?

Directional Bar speakers

All the directional bar speakers use a similar method of controlling the sound known as a phased array method. Each bar is comprised of multiple small speakers which emit a sound at varying times to ensure the sound waves arrive at their peak at the listeners ears. This creates a sound wave consisting of the sum of the sound waves – so sounding louder in a particular space.

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What our clients say about us

  • Experts in our field
  • Widest range of directional sound systems in Europe
  • Options for purchase or hire

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